How To Download Ieee Papers For Free Without Membership
My preprint on surgical debridement and robot calibration was accepted tothe 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).It’s in Brisbane, Australia, which means I’ll be going to Australia for thesecond time in less than a year — last August, I went to Sydney for UAI2017.
I’m excited about this opportunity and look forward to traveling to Brisbane inMay. (That is, assuming Berkeley’s Disabled Students’ Program isn’t as slow asthey were in August, but never mind.) I have already booked my travelreservations and registered for the conference.
Everyone knows that long-haul international travel is expensive, but what mightnot be clear to those outside academia is that conference registration fees canbe just as high as those airfare fees. For ICRA, the cost of my registrationcame to be 1,171.36 AUD before taxes, and 1,275.00 AUD with taxes. Thatcorresponds to 1,033.94 in US dollars. Ouch.
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Fortunately, I’m going to get reimbursed, since Berkeley professors are notshort on money, but I still wish that costs could be lower. The breakdown was:31.36 AUD for a hotel deposit (I’ll pay the full hotel fees when I arrive inMay), 600 AUD for the early-bird IEEE student membership registration, 100 AUDfor the workshops/tutorials, and 440 AUD for the two extra page charge.
Wait, what was the last one?
Ah, I should clarify. The policy of ICRA, and for many IEEE conferences at that(hence the title of this blog post), is the following:
Papers to ICRA can be submitted through two channels:
- To ICRA. Six pages in standard ICRA format and a maximum of two additionalpages can be purchased.
- To the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) journal, and tick theoption for presentation at ICRA. Six pages in standard ICRA format are allowedfor each paper, including figures and references, but a maximum of twoadditional pages can be purchased. Details are provided on the RA-L webpageand FAQ.
All papers are submitted in PDF format and the page count is inclusive offigures and references. We strongly encourage authors to submit a video clipto complement the submission. Papers hosted on arXiv may be submitted to ICRA.
So, in short, we can have six pages, and can purchase two extra pages if needed.
How To Download Ieee Papers For Free Without Membership Fees
This makes no sense.
Is it because of printing costs associated with the proceedings? It shouldn’tbe. The proceedings, as far as I know, are those enormous books thatconcatenate all the papers from a conference.
They are also worthless and should never be printed outside of maybe one ortwo historical copies for IEEE’s book archives. No one should read directly fromthem. Who has the time? Academics are judged based on the papers they produce,not the papers they consume. This year, ICRA alone accepted 1030 papers(!!). Yes, over a thousand. It makes no sense to browse proceedings to searchfor a paper; just type in a search query on Google Scholar. If you think youmight be missing a gem somewhere in the proceedings, I wouldn’t worry. Goodpapers will make themselves known eventually through word of mouth. They alsotend to be widely accessible to all, such as being available on arXiv ratherthan being stuck behind an IEEE paywall. Most universities have IEEEsubscriptions so it’s not generally a problem to download IEEE papers for free,but it’s still a bit of an unnecessary nuisance.
Speaking of arXiv, perhaps IEEE doesn’t follow a similar model due to hostingcosts? That doesn’t seem like a good rationale, and in particular it doesn’tjustify the steep jump in price from 6 to 8 pages. Why not have pages 1 through6 charged accordingly? Or simply make the charge based on file size instead ofpage size, while obviously keeping a hard page limit to alleviate the load onreviewers. There seem to be way more rational price structures than the 220 AUDeach for pages 7 and 8.
/kamen-rider-climax-heroes-ps2-iso-download.html. It seems like ICRA organizers would prefer to see 6 page papers, yet the problemis that everyone knows that if you allow 8 pages, then that becomes theeffective lower bound on paper length. An 8-page paper has a better chance ofbeing accepted to ICRA than a 7-page paper, which in turn has odds over a 6-pagepaper. And so on. Indeed, if you look at ICRA papers nowadays, the vast majorityhit the 8 page limit, many with barely a line to spare (such as my paper!). Thetrend is possibly even more pronounced with ICML, NIPS, and other AIconferences, from my anecdotal experience reading those papers.
Such a cost structure might needlessly disadvantage students and authors fromschools without the money to easily pay the over-length fees. /download-game-trial-xtreme-pc.html. This is furtherexacerbated by ICRA’s single-blind policy, where reviewers can see the names ofauthors and thus be influenced by research fame and school institution name.
In short, I’m not a fan of the two-page extra charge, and I would suggest thatICRA (and similar IEEE-based conferences) switch to a simple, hard, 8-page limitfor papers. In addition, I would also like to see all accepted papers freelyavailable for download in an arXiv-style format. If hosting costs are a burden,a more rational price structure would be to slightly increase the conferenceregistration fees, or encourage authors to upload their papers on arXiv in lieuof being hosted by ICRA.
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To be clear, I’m still extremely excited about attending ICRA, and I’mgrateful to IEEE for organizing what I’ve heard is the preeminent conference onrobotics. I just wish that they were a little bit clearer on why they have thistwo-page extra charge policy.